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Eloa’s birth

From the very beginning Eloa always wanted to tell stories, write down her emotions, sing her inner melody and find her own path.

In 2024, after 5 studios albums and many amazing shows with her rock/metal alternative band , Mingmen, she launched her solo project under the name of Eloa.

She began recording an 11-track album at the 3 Lunes studio in Montreux.

The first track is available on digital platforms, the song’s title is  “The sun” .

The following ones will be released throughout 2024.

A guitar and her voice

Alone on stage with a folk guitar and her unique voice, she shares her impactful songs whose lyrics seek answers to the fundamental questions asked by dreamers, bards and fools since the beginning of time.

Eloa takes us on an intimate journey, the acoustic set up is perfect for this ; Connect with each other, feel the changes in atmosphere and share emotional vibrations in their most refined and authentic form.

A musical delight served with a welcome touch of humor.


Past gigs


The first track  “The sun” is available on digital platforms


Stay updated & support Eloa on social media


8 + 6 =